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NEW improved purchasing options

We are very proud to announce that all our songs can now be bought & downloaded very easily from our 'songs' page on this website or from Bandcamp. Songs are a few cents cheaper via this website.

We have made a big decision to restrict free streaming/downloading of our songs across the internet.

This is in order to direct our fans to this website (or bandcamp) where we (the Artitst) have more control and get more renumeration from the sales of songs. We will no longer use the following music platforms...





CD Baby

(and more)

We believe our music is sacred ! It is a pure fact that thousands of hours and bucket loads of energy have gone into the creation of our songs, and we are sure that true fans will want to respect this and actually pay a small fee to download and listen to our masterpieces. (we're only talking about $1.50 per song, or an even bigger discount to buy the whole collection). It's a mark of respect from the listener and music appreciater. We ,the band, pay for other artitsts music that we like. We understand that a lot of artitsts out there are offering their music for free via streaming, and although we recognise this to be the popular way for folks to hear new and old music, we absolutely do not endorse it.

Here's the difference with Audio Storm.... we're strictly a studio band and are NOT a touring band, so we don't make any money off gigging or selling of merchandise at gigs. Our aim is to create and compose the best music we can and to record it well in our professional studio. Scott & Kingsley have a very rare musical chemistry as a song writing partnership and the music they are producing is pure magic. (This is why Kingsley decided to continue this great partnership after originally operating Audio Storm as a one man band). So, not to try and brag about the level of the bands music, but to bring attention to the great value and sacredness inherent in it. And we pray that fans will see that value and reward it acordingly. We love bringing our music to you, the fans, but we have a great need to protect the value of it; and instead of prostituting ourselves by flooding the internet and streaming platforms with it, we would rather preserve it so that true appreciaters of good music get to hear it !

Our loyal fans are VERY important to us, and we thank you all SO MUCH ! That is why we will be giving extra special loyalty privileges to all our true fans. This might include free downloads of bonus tracks, rare mixes; links to interviews, free downloads of our song artwork, band logos, and member photo's; occasional V.I.P free streaming of select tracks via soundcloud; chances to win Audio storm merchandise including T-shirts, official copies of the album on CD (when it gets released). Fans who subscribe via our reverbnation or RadioAirplay (Jango) profiles will get updated instantly with all the

New improved song purchasing page.jpg

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